Our Services

On site servicing

test, tag and certification

Our Engineers are experts when it comes to the Inspection, Testing, Repair, Tagging, Certification and re-Certification for all your Height Safety, Material Handling, Confined Spaces, Rigging, Rescue, Load Restraint, PPE & Lifting and Safety Equipment. 

We test and tag to Australian Standards and regulations and in compliance to Work Health & Safety Legislations within the Safety Act of 2011

Reports and client log in

Register reports or test certificates will be produced at the end of an inspection and on tests to confirm if the equipment is compliant or not.

Absolute Lifting and Safety clients receive a CORE log in which provides them with complete access to their records.


safe work documents

Absolute Lifting and Safety adheres to Safe Working Procedures when attending sites. Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) & Job Safety Environment Analysis (JSEA) are completed prior to performing installations, servicing, inspections and testing onsite at your workplace. This is to protect our technicians and other parties by identifying any applicable safety risks and to put in place control measures.

mobile test bed truck

Our innovative custom design 120 tonne mobile test-bed truck is the largest in Queensland and capable of testing chain slings, concrete clutches and other lifting devices. Scheduled on site testing helps limit downtime and increases productivity for our customers.

Mobile Swage Press

Our Mobile swage press machine has a capacity of 600 ton and 150 ton giving us the ability to repair hoists ropes or do swaging jobs on-site up to 40mm in wire rope diameter.

Hydrajaws pull testing

With our 145kN and 15kN hydrajaws pull testing units where we can perform onsite testing of various types’ of anchors, davit bases, pad eyes, threaded rods, lifting lugs and ferrules in concrete.


Load cells with wireless 80 metre range in 5, 25 and 50 ton capacity which are all NATA calibrated for force measuring and weighing applications.

Counterweight load testing

Counterweights for true weight proof load testing of chain blocks and winches and weighing applications. 

Tensioning drums & mobile wire spooling

Heavy duty tensioning drum stands along with large wire winder with a D.O.T engineering calibrated counter for spooling and measuring crane ropes with precision

Absolute Lifting and Safety Logo

2/12 Hinkler Ct,
Brendale Brisbane QLD 4500
Phone: 07 3205 7000


Opening Hours: Mon-Thurs 6:30am - 4pm
Friday 6:30am - 3pm