1. Fill out your selections
2. Verify the chain size and WLL to the WLL Charts (chain size dictates WLL). Enter the correct chain size to WLL.
3. Note any comments and questions in the appropriate field
4. Submit button to send us an email with your chain sling configuration
5. We will contact you for a price and availability. If you are an account customer we will obtain a Purchase Order

Length from start of chain to end of chain (excluding fitting lengths)
KITO PWB prefers that ALL shortenings be attached to the top fitting using a separate Connector which is the most versatile, usable and safest configuration. However, shortening devices for chain sizes 16 mm and above must be fitted to separate connecting links to the chain. Only devices on chain slings comprising of 13mm chain or below may share the same connector as the leg of chain.
(Note :- Submit Seperate Selection if Sling Configurations are different, if the same enter the number you require)
Let us know if you have any special requirements or questions in relation to your chain sling selection.
Provide your email address for a Quote
Provide your number if we need to discuss your order


gRADE 80 Chain Sling Working load Limit G80 Chart
Grade 100 Chain Slings Working Load Limit
Absolute Lifting and Safety Logo

2/12 Hinkler Ct,
Brendale Brisbane QLD 4500
Phone: 07 3205 7000


Opening Hours: Mon-Thurs 6:30am - 4pm
Friday 6:30am - 3pm